PCB design with XL Designer
With today's high component pin density coupled with the desire for smaller boards, the need for sophisticated PCB design software is now greater than ever. Printed circuit boards now frequently require the use of blind and buried via hole techniques and multiple power plane layers.
Choosing the correct PCB design software requires matching available budget and technical requirements to the features available on the many packages in the marketplace.
XL Designer is a versatile PCB layout design system which is simple to use, yet can handle the largest boards that are likely to be put into production.
Developed in the UK by the software division of Seetrax CAE, we have always worked closely with design bureaus and board manufacturers to bring you the facilities you need in a PCB design software package.
XL Designer is the latest in our line of PCB design software solutions which started 25 years ago with the very successful Seetrax Ranger 1 product. Although our PCB CAD products have been through many transformations over those years, our current product can still load and edit designs created on the original Ranger 1 systems and subsequent products.
Product highlights
Among XL Designer's comprehensive specification may be found features such as- Hierarchical schematic editor
- Schematic editor & artwork cross probing of parts and nets
- Multiple monitor support. The artwork editing view may be split off onto a second screen, leaving other editors available on the main screen
- Support for blind and buried via hole technologies
- Power planes layers may be split into areas for handling multiple power nets on each plane
- Integrates with the Konekt Electra and Cadence® Specctra® autorouter
- All design outputs may be created as task lists, enabling the easy regeneration of manufacturing data should a design have to be reworked

Why not try out our PCB CAD software for free by downloading the 'Lite' version or XL Designer.
Please see here for details.
Ongoing customer support
No matter how hard we try to get things right, software can sometimes let us down, either through user misunderstanding, or a design fault with the software. And when that happens whilst designing a printed circuit board within a strict timescale, it can be a major problem. For that reason, Seetrax CAE offer a telephone support service to assist customers who encounter difficulties with our software.
Most problems can be overcome during a telephone conversation, but with more difficult problems, we will pass problematic customer design files to the software development team for analysis. In most cases, a workaround or updated software version is produced within a few days of the original problem report.
Product updates are release regularly, and are freely available to customers during the first 12 months after their initial software license purchase. After that time, updates remain available to customers who purchase optional support cover.
(One year telephone support is included with new full system software license purchases. Continuing support may be purchased on a year by year basis after the first year's included support has finished. Telephone support may be provided by local sales representatives in some market areas. Telephone support is not provided with free/shareware products)